Thank you!

Dearest Warrior Fam,

I must take a brief moment to say a personal THANK YOU for the kind thoughtfulness you’ve shown my family during the past week. The sudden and unexpected passing of my Dad was very sad, but the outpouring of concern and care for us has been an overwhelming comfort.

Thank you for the beautiful flowers, the kind notes and texts, the rides to practice, automotive repairs, memorial tree fund(!), innumerable prayers and for taking care of ALL the Warrior things while we were out of town and in a state of shock.

While we take comfort in Dad’s transition to his eternal rest, we have been blown away by the selfless servants you all are. Thank you for showing us the spirit of the ‘Royal Law’. You have been an answer to our prayers.

God bless you,

Brad, Micah, Kathryn, Olivia, Maggie and Jonah Pettes