2020-2021 Registration Fees

The Northwest Warrior board has aligned on the 2020-2021 season schedule and budget.

The resulting fees by level are as follows:

  • Varsity $535
  • JV $480
  • JH $440
  • 12U $330
  • 10U $275

Registration fees can be paid in full or split evenly between initial payment and final payment January 1st.  Initial payment will be based on player’s age.  As fees are linked directly to costs for a specific level, players playing full time on a higher level will be responsible for that level’s fee.  A separate communication will soon go out detailing the registration process and how to provide payment.   If for any reason our season is cut short, refunds will be provided for costs not incurred.

Increases in fees are being driven primarily by increased gym rental costs for our summer and regular season practices.  The level of practices and games remains consistent with our prior season (https://northwestwarriorbasketball.com/schedules/).  In addition to gym rental, registration fees also cover tournament/league team fees, referees, uniform use, and liability insurance.  We are also looking for fund-raising or donation opportunities that could help offset increasing costs.  Please let us know if you have any potential business sponsors for the upcoming season.

If you have any questions regarding the registration fees or associated budget, please don’t hesitate to reach out to timlitz@yahoo.com.

Tim Litz
NWW Treasurer