TPCC Gym Usage

Hello Warriors!

This is the LAST week of Summer Open Gym, so it’s your last chance for prospective players to meet the team and coaches! Check out the schedule on the calendar here.

TPCC Gym Usage

I have some instructions due to some changes in the gym at Traders Point Christian Church (TPCC.)  So, if your child practices there, PLEASE READ!

In the past, there was an extra half court that was open for our use (behind the big curtain), and several players have been permitted to use that half court (mostly unsupervised) while waiting for their siblings to finish their open gym time.

However, TPCC recently began using that half court as storage/staging of equipment and supplies.  Last week, TPCC staff notified me that players not participating in their open gym were shooting on the half court among the items stored there. Also, players were shooting from the top of a tall ladder and climbing on the boxes and shelving display units stored there.

Due to the high risk of player injury and TPCC property damage, we are no longer allowed to use the extra half court until further notice.

Normally we are happy for siblings to hang around during their brother’s or sister’s open gym time, but since there is no formal supervision, I am asking that children NOT be left unsupervised. Parents (or responsible adults) need to be present unless the child is participating in their open gym time.

Thank you for understanding and following this instruction. If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding this dilemma of siblings hanging out during practice, please let me know!!  We want to serve our families the best we know how.

Many blessings and…