Warrior Update 10/8


What!!?? You STILL haven’t registered!!??? 😱  If you haven’t registered and/or paid, please do so! Our expert equipment team will begin handing out uniforms THIS WEEK to those who have:

  1. Returned last year’s uniform and any practice jerseys (JH and JV),
  2. Registered online, providing all medical/waiver info AND
  3. Paid registration fees.

So take a moment and register now!  (You can pay by check or PayPal!)

Practice Schedule:

The practice schedule is now on the official Warrior Calendar!  Check it out by clicking the “Schedule” link in the menu above.

Help Wanted!

As we begin the 2022-2023 season, I want to thank all of the volunteers listed below who have stepped up to give their time and talents so that all of our kids can have a wonderful basketball experience this year.  The Warriors simply could not exist without all of these people!
We still need a few more volunteers, so please pray about whether you can fill any of the following spots. And remember, “faith without works is dead” 😉


Social Media Coordinator(s):

Responsibilities include regularly posting team updates, scores, honors/awards, pictures, encouragement, information, and sponsor thank you notes on the existing Warrior Facebook and Instagram accounts (this can be done simultaneously).  Bonus if you can also post to our existing Twitter account.  If desired, we can split this into two different positions with two different coordinators for 10U-JH and JV-Varsity.


Sponsorship Manager:

Responsibilities include: (1) tracking sponsorships pledges and amounts received; (2) obtaining logos from sponsors; (3) ensuring that the respective “benefits” are given to each sponsor based on sponsorship levels; and (4) publicizing sponsorship opportunities at various points in the year.


Concessions/Admissions Coordinator for home games:

Responsibilities include: (1) creating a sign-up for volunteers to work concessions and admissions during the home game series and arranging to have the sign-up publicized to families; (2) working with Treasurer to get cash boxes with money before home games and then get the money boxes back to Treasurer after the home games.   Right now we are planning to host 4-5 home game series in 2023, and light concessions at the December Alumni game.


Team photographers (need multiple people):

Responsibilities include taking pictures at practices, games, tournaments, and special events to provide to the Social Media Coordinator(s) and Web Master.
Here is a list of the current volunteers and their duties should you need anything during the season.  Once we have the additional volunteer needs filled, we will post this on our web site (along with a link on how to contact each volunteer).